患者男 ,38岁。因反复咽喉痛 2年 ,在他院以会厌结核行正规抗结核治疗无效转来我院。自诉咽喉痛时轻时重 ,吞咽时加重。无声嘶、憋气、咳嗽及咯血 ,有时低热。查体见颊黏膜有数个圆形小溃疡 ,直径约 5mm ,底部有白色伪膜。间接喉镜见会厌舌面亦有多个同样的小溃疡 ,会厌缘因?
Male patient, 38 years old. Due to repeated sore throat for 2 years, in his hospital to epiglottis tuberculosis formal anti-TB treatment invalid transfer to our hospital. Prosecute sore throat when heavy, aggravating swallowing. Hissing, suffocation, cough and hemoptysis, sometimes fever. Check the buccal mucosa found several round small ulcers, a diameter of about 5mm, the bottom of the white pseudomembranous. Indirect laryngoscopy see the epiglottis tongue also has more than one small ulcer, epiglottic edge cause?