目前一些中小学管理中存在如下不良倾向: ——重物质刺激,轻精神激励。迷信钱的威力,忽视表扬的作用。动辄与钱挂钩,胃口越吊越高,思想境界越来越低,工作越来越被动。 ——重物的管理,轻提高素质。主要领导抓创收多,抓教学少;抓楼房建设多,抓精神文明建设少;抓家属房、办公室建设多,抓实验室、图书阅览室建设少;抓钱、物管理多,
At present there are some undesirable tendencies in the management of primary and secondary schools: - Heavy material stimulation and light spiritual stimulation. Superstitious power of money, ignore the role of recognition. Easy to link with the money, the more appetite hung higher and lower the ideological level, work more and more passive. - Weight management, light improve quality. The main leaders should pay more attention to education and pay less attention to teaching. They should pay more attention to building more buildings and less construction of spiritual civilization. They should pay more attention to the construction of family-owned houses and offices, grasp less labs and less books and reading rooms,