Denudation History of South China Block and Sediment Supply to Northern Margin of the South China Se

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyycyf
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On the basis of apatite fission track (AFT) analyses, this article aims to provide a quanti-tative overview of Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution and sediment supply to the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS). Seventeen granite samples were collected from the coast to the inland of the South China block. Plots of AFT age against sample location with respect to the coastline show a gen-eral trend of youngling age away from the coast, which implies more prolonged erosion and sediment contribution at the inland of the South China Sea during post break-up evolution. Two-stage fast ero-sion process, Early Tertiary and Middle Miocene, is deduced from simulated cooling histories. The first fast cooling and denudation during Early Tertiary are recorded by the samples along the coast (between 70 and 60 Ma) and the inland (between 50 and 30 Ma), respectively. This suggests initial local erosion and deposition in the northern margin of the SCS during Early Tertiary. Fast erosion along the coast ceased since ca. 50 Ma, while it had lasted until ca. 30 Ma inland, indicating that the erosion was trans-ferred from the local coastal zone initially toward the continental interior with unified subsidence of the northern margin, which resulted in the formation of a south-dipping topography of the continental margin. The thermal stasis in the South China block since ca. 30 Ma must define the time at which the northern margin became dynamically disconnected from the active rifting and stretching that was tak-ing place to the south. The lower erosion rate is inconsistent with higher sedimentary rate in the Pearl River Mouth basin during Late Oligocene (ca. 25 Ma). This indicates that the increased sedimentation in the basin is not due to the erosion of the granite belt of the South China block, but perhaps points to the westward propagation of the paleo-Pearl River drainage related to the uplift of the eastern marginof Tibet plateau and southward jumping of spreading axis of the South China Sea. The sec-ond erosion acceleration rate of the Middle Miocene (ca. 14 Ma) cooling could have been linked to the long-distance effect of uplift of the Tibet plateau or due to the enhanced East Asian monsoon. On the basis of apatite fission track (AFT) analyzes, this article aims to provide a quanti-tative overview of Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution and sediment supply to the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS). Seventeen granite samples were collected from the coast to the inland of the South China block. Plots of AFT age against sample location with respect to the coastline show a gen-eral trend of youngling age away from the coast, which implies more prolonged erosion and sediment contribution at the inland of the South China Sea during post break-up evolution. Two-stage fast ero-sion process, Early Tertiary and Middle Miocene, is deduced from simulated cooling histories. The first fast cooling and denudation during Early tertiary are recorded by the samples along the coast (between 70 and 60 Ma) and the inland (between 50 and 30 Ma), respectively. This suggests initial local erosion and deposition in the northern margin of the SCS during Early Tertiary. coast ceased since ca. 50 Ma, while it had lasted until ca. 30 Ma inland, indicating that the erosion was trans-ferred from the local coastal zone initially toward the continental interior with unified subsidence of the northern margin, which resulted in the formation of a south-dipping topography of the continental margin. The thermal stasis in the South China block since ca. 30 Ma must define the time at which the northern margin was dynamically disconnected from the active rifting and stretching that was tak-ing place to the South. The lower erosion rate is inconsistent with higher sedimentary rate in the Pearl River Mouth basin during Late Oligocene (ca. 25 Ma). This indicates that the increased sedimentation in the basin is not due to the erosion of the granite belt of the South China block, but perhaps points to the westward propagation of the paleo-Pearl River drainage related to the uplift of the eastern marginof Tibet plateau and southward jumping of spreading axis of theSouth China Sea. The sec-ond erosion acceleration rate of the Middle Miocene (ca. 14 Ma) cooling could have been linked to the long-distance effect of uplift of the Tibet Plateau or due to the enhanced East Asian monsoon.
由美国健康新科技股份有限公司研发的 AHET 营养食品活维素内含单一成分——山芋皂甙是从野生山芋中提取,没有任何其他附加成分。经常性补充活维素可以增加体能体力和肌肉,
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