There are three different high mountains and three different valleys in the “Peirkin” play: the small foothills and stream valleys of “Aosi Homeland” where Peel and his mother live; the second is Peir’s riding on the reindeer Flying “Yan Ting Shan back ” and the glacier valley; third is Peiru intoxicated dreamland into the “Longde Mountain ” and swamp valley. The combination of each high mountain and every valley can form a heavy geography circle and combine with Peir’s thoughts and emotions to form a heavy art circle. The triple geo-circle and the loop formed thereby form a spiral rise, forming a “spiral loop” geospatial structure as a whole. In the meantime, with each complete ring formed, Peer went one step further to the ideal of “self kingdom.” The artistic expression of “spiral loop” geospatial is the deep expression of Ibsen ’s poetic feelings and the philosophical thinking of “how people can be faithful to themselves”.