我院收治1名额窦巨大粘液性囊肿患者,根据X 光照片初诊为眶内肿物,后经CT 检查确诊为额窦粘液性囊肿并经手术证实。现将病例报告如下.王某某,女,73岁,于1984年9月24日入院.于入院3年前被花生崩伤右眼眶部,当时眼痛,怕光、流泪.用药后好转,近1年来发现患眼眼球逐渐向前突出,眼睑下垂,视力下降,经常流泪,曾经治疗无效。查体:BP150/90,心肺(-)。右眼视力0.1,限睑轻度下垂,睑裂4mm(平视),眶上缘由内向外可触到蚕豆粒大小肿物,似与骨壁愈着,较硬、不
In our hospital, a frontal sinus huge myxoid cyst was admitted to the hospital. According to the X-ray examination, the first orbital tumor was diagnosed. The frontal sinus mucinous cyst was confirmed by CT examination and confirmed by surgery. The case is reported as follows.Wang Moumou, female, 73 years old, was admitted to hospital on September 24, 1984. 3 years ago admitted to peanut right eye orbital, when the eye pain, fear of light, tears improved after treatment, Over the past year found that patients with eyeball gradually protruding forward, ptosis, decreased visual acuity, frequent tears, once the treatment is invalid. Physical examination: BP150 / 90, cardiopulmonary (-). Right eye 0.1, limited eyelid ptosis, palpebral fissure 4mm (head-up), from the inside of the upper orbital edge can touch the bean size of tumor, like with the bone wall more, harder, not