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建筑、山水、小品(景点)、绿化是园林建设中的四大要素,也是中小学造园中的四大要素。摆正建筑与其它三点的关系,合理使用建设资金,整体布局、整体安排施工过程,是中小学造园有效和长远发展的保证。然而,以往在一些中小学把资金和精力全部投放到硬件建设上,把建筑造得豪华、气派,把场地、道路铺得宽阔、足实,但在布局上却忽略了“山水、小品、绿化”三要素的余地,或者在资金上捉襟见肘、无能为力。学校建 Buildings, landscapes, skits (landscapes), and greening are the four major elements in the construction of a garden. They are also four major elements in the construction of primary and secondary schools. Correcting the relationship between construction and the other three points, rationalizing the use of construction funds, and overall layout and overall arrangement of the construction process are guarantees for the effective and long-term development of primary and secondary school buildings. However, in the past, some schools and primary and secondary schools devoted all their funds and energy to the construction of hardware, made the building luxurious and stylish, spread the venues and roads broadly and fully, but neglected the “landscapes, skits,” in the layout. There is room for afforestation and “three elements,” or the lack of funding and powerlessness. School building
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近年来的代数高考试题反映了较强的综合性和应用性 .具体表现在 :函数、方程和不等式的综合 ,函数与数列的综合 ,数列与不等式的综合 ,复数与三角的综合 ,函数、不等式与实际
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文章介绍新加坡电力蓄电池双能源工程车的方向选择电路的设计原理,重点阐述了机车重联时,不同编组时的方向控制原理。 The article introduces the design principle of the
题目 有一条棱长为 6cm的正方形ABCD A1 B1 C1 D1 ,过A1 及分别位于棱AB、AD上的点E、F作一截面 ,截去正方体一个角 .已知FF =6cm ,ΔA1 EF的面积为 12 3cm2 ,则正方体剩余部分的体积为(   ) .A .( 2
浙江省金华一中是一所具有悠久历史与优良学风的省级重点中学。执教十多年来 ,我送走了一批又一批优秀的毕业生 ,我为他们在高考中取得的优异成绩感到骄傲。但是 ,学生在紧张
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