求真务实出精品 用心打造住建人——记大同市左云县住建局局长龚文

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近年来,塞上古城左云的城市面貌发生了巨大变化。这些变化无不倾注着县住建局局长龚文和他带领的住建团队的心血和艰辛汗水。2006年12月30日,龚文走马上任县住建局局长,面对城市基础设施滞后的现状,他从抓班子带队伍入手,以整顿单位纪律作风为切入点,坚持一手抓党风廉政建设责任制的落实和政风行风建设,一手抓行业内部管理,提素质、定制度、强管理,在全系统进行了以股站长为重点的队伍建设整顿,集中培训和轮训了股站负责人及业务骨干,制定了党员干部廉洁从政规章制度、行政执法人员行政过错责任追究制度、住建干部“十不”规定等十项规章制度。从创新管理体制机制入手,严格目标管理责任制,兑现考核奖惩制,以考 In recent years, the appearance of the city that plunges into the ancient city of Zuo Yun has undergone tremendous changes. These changes are all devoted to the Bureau of Construction and Urban Gong Wen and his live-build team’s painstaking efforts and arduous sweat. December 30, 2006, Gong Wen took office County Secretary for Housing and Urban Construction, the face of the status quo of urban infrastructure lag, he started with the team to bring their own team to rectify the unit’s disciplinary style as the starting point, adhere to one hand the responsibility of building a clean and honest government Implementation of the system and the construction of government style, with one hand grasp the internal management of the industry, mention quality, system of custom, strong management, system-wide chief of the unit owners for the rectification of the construction team, focus on training and rotation training station leader And business backbone, formulated the rules and regulations of incorruptibility of party members and cadres, administrative accountability system of administrative law enforcement officers, housing cadres “ten not ” provisions of 10 rules and regulations. Starting from the innovative management system and mechanism, the Bank strictly implemented the responsibility system for target management and fulfilled the assessment and punishment system.
在英语教学中,笔者常发现有不少学生对句子否定结构持有不正确的简单化看法,认为只要在句子中加not, no就行了,其实并非完全是这样,英语的否定结构,有其复杂的一面。例如:All
【正】 在构想钢琴协奏曲《希望之神》和管弦乐组曲《简乐四章》的过程中,一种新的音乐风格结构框架在我心中泛起,由远及近,由模糊而清晰,最终形成一个或许能被通常称之为“