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网络时代下,构建网络音乐模式具有极大的可能性,同样也十分必要,这是音乐教育随着时代前进发展而不断吸收新鲜血液、不断进行自我创新、不断摄入新生元素,以适应社会快速发展需要的必经之路。因此,必须实现网络资源在音乐教学与欣赏两方面的有效运用,从而为依托网络推动音乐教育快速发展提供坚实保障。 Under the Internet age, it is also very possible to construct a network music model. It is also very necessary. This is the time when music education keeps absorbing fresh blood as time progresses, continuously innovating itself and constantly absorbing freshmen elements to adapt to the rapid social development. The only way to develop needs. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the effective use of network resources in music teaching and appreciation so as to provide a solid guarantee for relying on the network to promote the rapid development of music education.
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