目的 调查青海省碘缺乏病高危地区新发地方性克汀病(简称地克病)、地方性甲状腺肿流行现状、人群碘营养状况及防治措施落实情况,为制订有针对性的防治策略措施提供科学依据.方法 2013年,在碘盐监测覆盖率≤80%的杂多县、囊谦县,进行10岁以下新发地克病病例搜索;每个县抽取3个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)抽取2所小学,每所小学抽取40名8~10岁儿童进行甲状腺B超检查,同时采集中段尿样1份;每个乡(镇)抽取20名孕妇,采集家中食用盐盐样和即时尿样.半定量法测定盐碘,砷铈催化分光光度法测定尿碘.结果 未发现新发地克病及疑似地克病病例;8~ 10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率为0.4%(2/492);分别检测8~10岁儿童和孕妇尿样489、119份,尿碘中位数分别为147.2、61.9 μg/L;共检测孕妇家中盐样119份,碘盐覆盖率为31.9%(38/119).结论 青海省碘缺乏病高危地区未发现新发地克病及疑似地克病病例;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数处于适宜水平(100~ 199 μg/L为碘适量),孕妇处于严重碘缺乏状态(<150μg/L为碘不足).“,”Objective To investigate the incidence of new cretinism cases, the prevalence of endemic goiter and the iodine nutritional status in iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) high-risk areas of Qinghai Province, so as to put forward targeted prevention and control measures in these areas.Methods Six townships in Zaduo County and Nangqian County with monitoring coverage rate of iodized salt less than or equal to 80% were selected by simple random sampling, and search of new cretinism cases was carried out in children under 10 years old.Two schools were chosen in every township and the thyroid volume of forty children aged 8-10 was determined by Bultrasonography and their urinary iodine (UI) was determined by As3--Ce4+ catalytic spectrophotometry in each school.Twenty pregnant women were chosen for collecting edible salt and urine samples, and the salt iodine content was determined using self-quantitative kit and their UI was also determined by As3--Ce4+ catalytic spectrophotometry.Results In these 2 high-risk counties of IDD, no cretinism case was found.The goiter rate of children aged 8-10 was 0.4% (2/492).A total of 489 urine samples of children aged 8-10 and 119 urine samples of pregnant women were tested, the median urinary iodine (MUI) of children was 147.2 μg/L, and the MUI of pregnant women was 61.9 μg/L.A total of 119 salt samples were tested, the coverage rate of iodized salt was 31.9% (38/119).Conclusion New case or suspected new case of cretinism is not discovered in the high-risk areas of IDD of Qinghai Province, median urinary iodine level of children aged 8-10 is in the adequate range (100-199 μg/L),and median urinary iodine level of pregnant women is in a state of serious iodine deficiency (< 150 μg/L).