“没有共产党就没有新中国”不仅是一首传唱了半个多世纪的著名歌曲,更是中国人民现代日常语言中使用最多的一个判断语句。它不是一句空洞的政治口号,而是凝结着中国人民最可宝贵的政治经验的真理。 中国,在1949年以前和以后,判然两个世界。昔日被讥笑为“东亚病夫”,今朝被看作东方巨人。为何会发生如此巨大的变化?决定性的因素是因为在民族危亡关头,中国诞生了一个马克思主义的无产阶级政党——中国共产党。
“There is no new China without a Communist party” is not only a famous song sung for more than half a century, but also the most commonly used judgment statement by the Chinese people in their everyday language. It is not a hollow political slogan, but a truth that condenses the most precious political experience of the Chinese people. China, judging both worlds before and after 1949, In the past was ridiculed as “sick man in East Asia”, is now regarded as the Eastern giant. Why is such a huge change taking place? The decisive factor is the birth of a Marxist proletarian party, the Chinese Communist Party, at the very moment of national crisis.