
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaqishi
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浙江省嘉兴市公安局把“科技强侦”、“信息强侦”摆到公安科技优先发展的重要位置,整体规划,强化保障,大力推进刑事技术和刑侦信息化建设,取得了显著成效。同时,也为嘉兴市刑侦工作的可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。1999年以来通过刑事技术手段破案数逐年上升,1999年技术直接认定案件506起,2000年直接认定682起;2001年直接认定802起,技术破案率始终保持在20%左右。特別是2001年,全市牢牢抓住“刑侦信息化建设年”这一有利时机,不断加强软硬件建设,全年利用信息协破案件达3618起,占破案总数的49.9%,其中指纹系统直接破案502起、认定犯罪嫌疑人329名,直破数和认定数分别比2000年增长了1倍多,充分显示了刑侦信息工作在侦查破案中的巨大潜能。我们的具体做法是: 抓投入求产出刑事科学技术是公安机关的第一生产力,是打击刑事犯罪、提高破案效能的有效手段,是刑侦工作赖以生存和发展的 Jiaxing City Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province has put “science and technology investigation” and “information reconnaissance” in an important position giving priority to the development of public security science and technology. The overall planning and the enhancement of security have greatly promoted the criminal technology and criminal investigation information construction and achieved remarkable results. At the same time, it also laid a solid foundation for the sustainable development of criminal investigation work in Jiaxing. Since 1999, the number of cases solved through criminal technology has risen year by year. In 1999, there were 506 cases directly identified by technology, 682 cases were directly identified in 2000; 802 cases were directly identified in 2001 and the rate of technology detection remains at around 20%. Especially in 2001, the city firmly seized the favorable opportunity of “Year of Criminal Investigation and Information Construction” and continuously strengthened the construction of software and hardware. 3618 cases of information use were handled in the whole year, accounting for 49.9% of the total number of cases solved, in which the fingerprint system was directly 502 cases have been solved, 329 suspects have been identified, the number of straight-breaking cases and the number of ascertainments have respectively more than double that of 2000, which fully shows the great potential of criminal investigation information work in investigating and solving crimes. Our concrete approach is to focus on input and output of criminal science and technology as the primary productive force of the public security organs and an effective measure to crack down on criminal offenses and improve the efficiency of solving crimes. It is the survival and development of criminal investigation work
近年我院职工体检经胃镜检出十二指肠溃疡(DU)138例,其中DU合并胃癌(GC)3例,检出率为2.2%。均经病理证实。 3例中男2例,女1例,年龄62~64岁。病程2月~26年。临床表现上腹痛2例,吞
这是一个温馨得让人心酸掉泪的故事。  故事的主人公是一位外国小女孩,她美丽的妈妈病倒了,病得头发都掉光了。圣诞节来临前,小女孩到药店给妈妈买药。路过一家商店时,她看见橱窗里摆着一款漂亮的黄颜色假发,她就想:“这假发多像妈妈的头发呀,如果我把它作为圣诞礼物送给妈妈,那该有多好啊!”  于是,小女孩溜进商店,找到那个大胡子老板,说:“叔叔,我用这条项链换这顶假发可以吗?”大胡子老板看了看她的项链,说: