Yoshikawa is known as a “national writer” in Japan. His novel “Miyamoto Musashi” is his masterpiece. On the status, probably equivalent to China’s Jin Yong. But when it comes to content, it seems quite similar to that of another Chinese martial arts master, Cologne. Miyamoto Musashi is a swordsman, the so-called war sword seeking Taoist, life seems to be in a duel with others to achieve self-improvement. However, Miyamoto Musashi, after all, is different from the Xuanmen blowing snow: the latter is the blood splash on the spot seal throat, and then only for a pot of water two eggs, maintaining honor, to maintain the status quo, although the attack but Jue Shou; Blooming Qingfeng is not a mere mere mortal, but a realm of Zen Buddhism, in order to attain self-cultivation and forging, and here permeates a strong east