春节前夕,一个一年一度的军地四方双拥协议签署仪式在山西省太原市迎泽区隆重举行。区人武部组织协调服役官兵、地方政府、部队单位以及官兵家属,“军、地、兵、家”四方签订《爱国拥军、爱军精武“四方公约”》,迄今已经坚持 8年,成为一道特殊的爱国双拥风景线。“四方公约”按照《国防法》、《兵役法》、《国防教育法》等有关国防法律法规条款,规定了地方政府、部队、服役官兵
On the eve of the Spring Festival, an annual signing ceremony of the signing of the agreement on the military quartering of the four parties was held ceremoniously in Yingze District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. The District People’s Armed Forces Department coordinated the quartering of officers and soldiers, local governments, army units and their officers and men and signed the “Quartet Convention on Patriotic Support, Love and the Armed Forces,” which has been insisted on for eight years A special patriotic double-owned landscape. The Quartet Convention stipulates that local governments, units and officers and men in service in accordance with the provisions of national defense laws and regulations such as the “National Defense Law,” the “Military Service Law,” and the “National Defense Education Law.”