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酸枣果肉含铁2.6mg/100g,锌0.35mg/100g,钙290mg/100g,含赖氨酸0.14mg/100g,精氨酸0.20mg/100g,谷氨酸0.38mg/100g等17种氨基酸。酸枣果肉可增加小鼠饮食和体重,增强体力,提高学习和记忆功能,增强耐缺氧能力。适量服用对血常规、肾肝功能无不良影响。 Jujube pulp contains iron 2.6mg/100g, zinc 0.35mg/100g, calcium 290mg/100g, lysine 0.14mg/100g, arginine 0.20mg/100g, glutamic acid 0.38mg/100g and 17 kinds of amino acids. Jujube flesh can increase the diet and body weight of mice, increase physical strength, improve learning and memory function, and enhance resistance to hypoxia. The appropriate amount of blood has no adverse effects on blood routine and kidney and liver function.
十几年前,纽约曼哈顿一个司机无比烦恼。只要他开车到街头,必有一个衣衫褴褛的老乞丐向他讨要零钱。讨到零钱之后,乞丐总会笑嘻嘻地塞给他一张海报。司机想果断拒绝的那天,看见乞丐拿着钱走进邮局,然后向服务员要了一张汇款单。司机好奇,等乞丐走后,偷偷问了服务员。服务员大大方方地拿出汇款单给他看。司机见上面的汇款地址写着古巴一所贫困小学。   司机这十几年再也没厌恶过这个乞丐,每天雷打不动地塞给他口袋里所有硬