在发展中国家,利用实生种子生产马铃薯与传统的利用种薯生产马铃薯相比是一种有前途的马铃薯生产方法。一、利用种薯生产马铃薯存在的问题农民习惯利用种薯繁殖马铃薯有几个原因:a、种薯种植简便并且植株生长健壮。b.收获的块茎形状一致、产量较高。尽管有这些明显的优越性,但是在某些地区特别是发展中国家,应用种薯繁殖马铃薯一直阻碍着马铃薯生产的应用与发展。具体问题如下: 1.从种薯较发达的国家进口种薯价格昂贵,可能高于总生产费用的一半,在很多北非和亚洲大量进口种薯的国家,这确实是一个问题。 2.种薯经常是病虫害的主要携带者,这些病
In developing countries, the use of seedless seeds to produce potatoes is a promising potato production method compared to the traditional use of potatoes for potato production. First, the use of seed potato production problems Peasants used to reproduce the potato seed for several reasons: a, seed potato planting is simple and robust plant growth. b. The harvested tubers have the same shape and yield. Despite these obvious advantages, in some areas, especially in developing countries, the application of seed potato propagation has hindered the application and development of potato production. The specific issues are as follows: 1. Importation of seed from countries with higher seed potato prices is expensive, probably more than half the total cost of production. This is indeed a problem in many countries in North Africa and Asia that import large quantities of seed. 2. Seed potato is often the main carrier of pests and diseases, these diseases