据《亚洲华尔街报》最近报导,近来在长期服用抗病毒药物 AZT 的艾滋病患者中,发现一株耐药毒株。AZT 是美国巴洛夫—韦尔科姆公司生产的,目前成千上万的艾滋病—又称获得性免疫缺陷综合症的患者都在服用此药,这是美国食品药品管理局迄今认可的唯一对艾滋病有效的药物,它能使这一绝症患者的寿命延长2年左右。然而,半数的服药者都出现了骨髓抑制和贫血的副作用,其药效也日渐衰减,有人观察到服药第2年的效果不如第1年好。耐 AZT 变异株的发现,意味着部分患者体内的病毒已找到躲避此药的出路。
According to a recent report by the Asian Wall Street Journal, a drug-resistant strain has recently been found in AIDS patients who have been taking the antiviral AZT for a long time. AZT is manufactured by the US-based Barlow-Welkom Company and is currently being used by hundreds of thousands of AIDS-also known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome patients-the only FDA-approved device to date For AIDS-effective drugs, it can extend the life of this terminally ill patient by about two years. However, half of those who took medication had bone marrow suppression and side effects of anemia, and their efficacy was decaying. Someone observed that the effect of medication in the second year was not as good as in the first year. The discovery of AZT-resistant variants means that some patients have found a way out of the drug.