广藿香Pogostemon cablin(Blanco)Benth,在广州市郊的河南、宝崗、喃嘸庄、石牌、棠下和高要县的祿步以及海南島等地均有栽培。茲介紹广州附近的栽培方法如下: (一)选地:广藿香适生于温暖润湿、排水良好的砂壤土中,不耐强烈日晒及霜冻,更忌干旱。因此本种均只栽植于水田中,坡地未見栽培。(二)种苗的选定:广州一带栽种广藿香均採用插条繁殖谂├?月当植物体內液体流动旺盛时,採摘植株上的嫩条,条長約4—5寸,以摘时断面有汁液流出的为最好。嫩条採得后須即行种下。(三)整地:广藿香在广州系与水稻輪作,同
Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth is planted in Henan, Baogang, Mogujhuang, Shipai, Tangxia and Gaoyao counties in Luobei, Hainan and other places in the suburbs of Guangzhou. Here to introduce the cultivation methods in Guangzhou are as follows: (A) selection: Patchouli suitable for warm moist, well-drained sandy loam, intolerant of intense sun and frost, but avoid the drought. Therefore, this species are only planted in paddy fields, no cultivation slope. (B) the selection of seedlings: Guangzhou planted patchouli are planted with cuttings 谂 ├? Month when the liquid flow in plants exuberant, picking plants on the tender, the length of about 4-5 inches to Picked when the cross-section of the juice out of the best. Tender should be planted after planting. (C) site preparation: patchouli and rice rotation in Guangzhou, with