通过对9 个不同施肥处理的连栽地杉木针叶硝酸还原酶( N R) 活力进行了比较研究, 结果表明: N 肥对 N R 活力作用显著, 但与 P配施如 N P、 N P K、 M (氮磷钾加微量元素混施) 效果更好; K 肥对 N R 活力作用不大, 在没有配施 P肥的情况下, N K 肥反而使 N R 活力下降。在施 N P K 的基础上, 配合施入由多种微量元素组成的复合微肥, 对提高杉木多代林个体组织 N R 活力作用明显。
The results showed that N fertilizers had a significant effect on N R activity, but no significant differences were found between N fertilizers and N fertilizers such as N P, N P K and M (N, P, K combined with trace elements) were better. K fertilizers had little effect on N R activity. N P fertilization did not decrease N R activity without P fertilizers. On the basis of application of N P K, application of compound micronutrient fertilizer composed of many trace elements has an obvious effect on improving N R activity of individual tissues of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations.