现在人们已经认识到未治疗和未控制的高血压迟早会引起心衰,因此把高血压视为心衰的先兆。Framingham 研究已证实高血压与心室肥厚及心衰发病率之间的关系。在75%的心衰病人中,发现其基础疾病是高血压。因此加强高血压心衰的研究很有必要。本文旨在综述近年高血压心衰的发病机理及其治疗研究方面的几个新观点,以期加深对高血压心衰的认识。
It has now been recognized that untreated and uncontrolled hypertension causes heart failure sooner or later and therefore treats hypertension as a sign of heart failure. Framingham study has confirmed the relationship between hypertension and ventricular hypertrophy and the incidence of heart failure. In 75% of heart failure patients, it is found that the underlying disease is hypertension. Therefore, to strengthen the study of heart failure in high blood pressure is necessary. This article aims to summarize the pathogenesis of hypertension in recent years and its treatment of several new points of view, with a view to deepen the understanding of hypertension heart failure.