中学语文教材中选编了一定数量的古代游记的名篇佳作.在教这类课文时,教师往往指导学生循游踪或空间位置的转换(即“移步换景” )作分析,认为游踪的推进和空间位置的更迭是古代游记的传统笔法,而且现代游记也承袭了这种笔法并有所发展.这当然是有道理的.然而,我们的认识不能仅限于此,否则,有失于以偏概全之误。古代游记,作为一种文学形式,它的产生均与当时的政治形势、社会思潮相联系.由于各个历史阶段情况不同,游记的笔法也各具特
In the middle school Chinese textbooks, a number of famous ancient works were selected. When teaching these kinds of texts, teachers often instruct the students to follow the tour or the spatial position change (that is, “changing the scenery”) for analysis. The advancement of the movement and the change in the position of space are the traditional brushstrokes of the ancient travels, and modern travel notes have inherited this brushwork and developed. This is certainly justified. However, our understanding cannot be limited to this, otherwise, it will be lost. Misunderstandings. Ancient travel notes, as a literary form, were associated with the political situation and social trends at that time. Due to the different circumstances of each historical stage, the writing methods of the travel notes were also unique.