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社区文化,一直是衡量一个区域居民幸福指数的重要指标之一。而对于生活在美国郡百岁养老温泉小镇的居民来说,每天和“老伴儿们”一起泡汤、下棋、品茶、练习书法、排练舞蹈,这样健康、充实的生活方式目前已经融入家家户户的日常生活。据悉,位于沈阳兴隆堡温泉城中心地段的美国郡至今已经有7000多户业主入住,由于远离市区、空气清新、环境幽静、温泉水质好,这里成为了很多沈阳乃至抚顺、鞍山等沈阳周边城市离退休中老年人的最佳疗养之地。居民以中老年人为主,并不妨碍这里成为一个走在养生文化前端极具活力的新型社区。如今,美国郡百岁 Community culture has always been one of the most important indicators for measuring the happiness index of a region’s residents. For the residents living in the hot springs town of Centennial of the United States County, every day, he and his wife, bathing, playing chess, tea, practicing calligraphy, rehearsing dance, such a healthy and full-fledged lifestyle has now Into the daily life of every household. It is reported that the United States County, located in the heart of Shenyang Xinglongbao Hot Springs has so far has more than 7,000 homeowners stay, due to stay away from urban areas, fresh air, quiet environment, hot spring water quality is good, here has become a lot of Shenyang and Fushun, Anshan and other surrounding cities in Shenyang Retired middle-aged and elderly the best place for convalescence. The residents, mainly middle-aged and elderly, do not prevent here from becoming a new, energetic community walking in front of a health-preserving culture. Today, the United States is a hundred years old