由于花朵形似象牙,色如朱丹,它有小象牙红的雅号。其实它的大名叫龙牙花Erythrina corallodendron L.也叫刺桐、珊瑚树等,为豆科刺桐属植物。原产南美洲热带地区,在我国广东、广西、云南、四川、北京、山东、上海、江苏、浙江、福建等地均有种植,但以华南及华东地区栽培较普遍,北方多作盆栽。落叶灌木,株高可达4米左右,在原产地可长成小乔木。幼树上长有三角形利刺,嫩枝光滑,淡绿色,节间很长,有时节部具针刺。老枝上利刺消失,有纵条纹,三出复叶,具长总柄(图1)。小叶阔菱状卵形,长4~10厘米,宽2.5~7厘米。叶面青翠,叶背呈粉绿色,颇为美观。总状花序,长40~60厘米,花朵状如红象牙,又似红珊瑚,鲜红或紫红
Because the flowers resemble ivory, color such as Zhu Dan, it has a small ivory red elegance. In fact, its name is Aralia Erythrina corallodendron L. Also known as erigeron, coral tree, etc., for the legume Erythrina. Native to tropical South America, it is planted in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Beijing, Shandong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian in China. However, it is more commonly cultivated in South China and East China and potted in northern China. Deciduous shrubs, plant height of up to 4 meters, can grow into small trees in the country of origin. Saplings have long triangular thorn, tender twig smooth, light green, internodes are very long, sometimes with acupuncture. The old branch on the Lee thorn disappear, vertical stripes, three out of the leaves, with a long total handle (Figure 1). Lobular broadleaf-shaped oval, 4 to 10 cm long, 2.5 to 7 cm wide. Green leaves, leaves back was pink green, quite beautiful. Racemes, 40 to 60 cm long, flowers like red ivory, but also like red coral, bright red or purple