辽宁省冶金设备管理协会首届年会于1989年9月22日在抚顺召开,各市冶金局和各团体会员单位的代表共106人出席了会议。 会上,任传钧副会长对一年来的协会工作作了总结,并对下一步协会的工作进行了安排。 会上还对征集的34篇论文进行了评选,评出6篇一等优秀论文。 在分组讨论会上,大家对协会的工作提出了意见和建议:1)对企业报废和高能耗设备要尽快处
The first annual meeting of Liaoning Metallurgical Equipment Management Association was held in Fushun on September 22, 1989. A total of 106 representatives from Metallurgical Bureau of each city and member organizations of various cities attended the meeting. At the meeting, Vice President Ren Chuanjun made a summary of the work of the association over the past year and arranged the work for the next association. At the meeting, 34 papers collected were also selected, and 6 first-class outstanding papers were selected. In the group discussion, we put forward opinions and suggestions for the work of the association: 1) As soon as possible for enterprise scrapping and high-energy-consuming equipment