Continued sustained release of VEGF by PLGA nanospheres modified BAMG stent for the anterior urethra

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meteorwei66
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Objective:To study the biocompatibility and neovascularization of the PLGA nanospheres wrapped with vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF).which can improve bladder acellular matrix graft(BAMG) with local continuous release of VEGF.Methods:A total of 18 rabbit model (length of stenosis:3cm) with anterior urethral stricture were used as experimental animals and divided into three groups.Group A as the control group:Simple BAMG scaffold materials for urethral reconstruction.Group B as the blank group:PLGA microspheres modified BAMG for urethral reconstruction.Group C:PLGA conjugated with VEGF and modified BAMG for the urethral reconstruction.All rabbits underwent urethral angiography after 7 days,15 days,1 month and 3 months after the operation,and one rabbit in each group was sacrificed to be prepared for the organization histologic examination,HE staining,masson staining,CD31,34 and a-SAM immunohistochemical detection in the repaired sites.Results:In group A,significant urethral restenosis occurred in two rabbits after 15 days of the operation,HE and masson staining showed a lot of collagen arranged in the repaired sites,and there were a large number of inflammatory cell infiltration,and there were also CD31,34 in the repaired sites.a-SAM microvascular tag count showed a small amount of microvascular;Croup B showed anastomotic restenosis,HE and masoon staining showed inflammatory cell infiltration and collagen deposition;Group C:urethrography showed lumen patency.There were a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration after 7 and 15 days after the operation,and there were also CD31,34 in the repaired sites.The a-SAM microvascular tag count showed many microvascular.And the difference was significant.Conclusions:Anterior urethral reconstruction with sustained-release of VEGF by PLGA nanospheres modified BAMG stents can reduce postoperative restenosis.It can also reduce collagen deposition and scar formation,promote angiogenesis of the repair tissue;therefore it in valuable in the tissue-engineered urethral reconstruction. Objective: To study the biocompatibility and neovascularization of the PLGA nanospheres wrapped with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Can improve bladder acellular matrix graft (BAMG) with local continuous release of VEGF. Methods: A total of 18 rabbit model (length of stenosis: 3 cm) with anterior urethral stricture were used as experimental animals and divided into three groups. Group A as the control group: Simple BAMG scaffold materials for urethral reconstruction. Group B as the blank group: PLGA microspheres modified BAMG for urethral reconstruction. Group C: PLGA conjugated with VEGF and modified BAMG for the urethral reconstruction. All rabbits underwent urethral angiography after 7 days, 15 days, 1 month and 3 months after the operation, and one rabbit in each group was sacrificed to be prepared for the organization histologic examination, HE staining, masson staining, CD31, 34 and a-SAM immunohistochemical detection in the repaired sites. Results: In group A, significant urethral rest enosis occurred in two rabbits after 15 days of the operation, HE and masson staining showed a lot of collagen arranged in the repaired sites, and there were a large number of inflammatory cell infiltration, and there also were CD31,34 in the repaired sites. a-SAM microvascular tag count showed a small amount of microvascular; Croup B showed anastomotic restenosis, HE and masoon staining showed inflammatory cell infiltration and collagen deposition; Group C: urethrography showed lumen patency. There were a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration after 7 and a few days after the operation, and there were also CD31, 34 in the repaired sites. and the difference was significant. Conclusions: Anterior urethral reconstruction with sustained-release of VEGF by PLGA nanospheres modified BAMG stents can reduce postoperative restenosis. It can also reduce collagen deposition and scar formation, promote angiogenesis of the repair tissue; therefore itin valuable in the tissue-engineered urethral reconstruction.
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