Geomaterials are widely found in nature and show obvious transverse isotropy under gravity sedimentation. In order to study the failure mechanism of transversely isotropic materials better, based on the idea that the failure criterion proposed by Christensen should be coordinated with elastic strain energy function, the elastic strain energy of transversely isotropic material is deduced. Through the decomposition of strain energy And analyzed and sorted out the physical meanings of various expressions in the strain energy and determined the basis for the series expansion so that the strain energy function and material failure criterion are consistent in form. Finally, Guidelines for the destruction of same-sex materials. The guideline consists of five parts that can be harmonized with the elastic strain energy and contains only five independent and physically and mechanically significant parameters. Based on routine tests, five independent parameters are given. By comparing with the Tsai-Wu criterion and the published sets of experimental data, the correctness of the criterion is verified.