(括号内为刊期号) 一、政治社会主义精神文明建设目标定位分析……………………………………戴玉琴(1)建国前夕中共外交思想成因探析…………………………………………徐文付(1)论强化中国政府合法性权威………………………………………………陈丽珍(1)关于新形势下企业党建的?
(In brackets is the issue of the issue) First, the political and social spiritual civilization construction goal positioning analysis .............................................. Dai Yuqin (1) on the eve of the founding of the CPC Diplomatic Thought Analysis .................. .............................. Xu Wenfu (1) on strengthening the legitimacy of the Chinese government .................................................................................................. Chen Lizhen (1) on the new situation under the party building ?