The fundamental reason why the drafters of the Swiss debt code created the legislative approach to the integration of the civil and the commercial has its own unique historical background. However, the most fundamental reason for this is that the principle of combining civil law with common law (civil law) and special private law ) In a unified codex system to get through to avoid inconvenience caused by the inability to accurately cut civil and commercial law, to achieve the conciseness and clarity of the Codex as a whole, to improve the stability of the law and promote transaction security. From the perspective of functional comparison, there are no essential differences between Swiss law and German law on many legal issues. In terms of legislation, drafters of Chinese civil code that choose the mode of integration of civil and commercial law inevitably have to face the question of how to combine civil law as a common private law with commercial law as a special private law in the Civil Code. In this regard, the valuable experience of the Swiss legislative methodology of private law provides us with a good frame of reference.