The ’Guoguang’ apple and its red buds were used as test materials to determine anthocyanin content and its related enzyme activities during fruit development. The effects of bagging on the synthesis of budding anthocyanin were also studied. The results showed that: ① during the fruit development, anthocyanin content in the pericarp of buds was significantly higher than that of ’Guoguang’, especially in mature peel anthocyanin content was 132.70Ug-1FW, while ’Guoguang’ was only 49.40Ug- 1FW; ② During the fruit development, PAL and UFGT enzyme activity between the two varieties showed no significant difference, but the activity of CHI and DFR of budding was significantly higher than that of ’Guoguang’, indicating that the improvement of ABA (3) Bagging inhibited the synthesis of anthocyanin in the peel, however, the content of anthocyanin in the peel of the peel was significantly increased. The trend of the changes of the four enzymes was quite different after the bag was unpacked. The CHI and UFGT Activity were rapidly increased, significantly higher than the control, which is the rapid synthesis of anthocyanins solution after bagging coincide. In summary, the key indicators of budding change and original varieties on the coloring mechanism are anthocyanin content and CHI activity in the peel.