Combining Local Scoring and Global Aggregation to Rank Entities for Deep Web Queries

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ws1984003
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With the rapid growth of Web databases,it is necessary to extract and integrate large-scale data available in Deep Web automatically.But current Web search engines conduct page-level ranking,which are becoming inadequate for entity-oriented vertical search.In this paper,we present an entity-level ranking mechanism called LG-ERM for Deep Web queries based on local scoring and global aggregation.Unlike traditional approaches,LG-ERM considers more rank influencing factors including the uncertainty of entity extraction,the style information of the entities and the importance of the Web sources,as well as the entity relationship.By combining local scoring and global aggregation in ranking,the query result can be more accurate and effective to meet users’ needs.The experiments demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the key techniques of LG-ERM. With the rapid growth of Web databases, it is necessary to extract and integrate large-scale data available in Deep Web automatically. Current web search engines conduct page-level ranking, which are for inadequate for entity-oriented vertical search. , we present an entity-level ranking mechanism called LG-ERM for Deep Web queries based on local scoring and global aggregation. Like traditional approaches, LG-ERM considers more rank influencing factors including the uncertainty of entity extraction, the style information of the entities and the importance of the Web sources, as well as the entity relationship. By combining local scoring and global aggregation in ranking, the query result can be more accurate and effective to meet users’ needs. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the key techniques of LG-ERM.
科研人员发现,那些意志薄弱、被动、消极的妇女易得更年期抑郁症,约10%一15%的更年期妇女会出现心情忧郁和意志消沉现象。  他们发现,下列妇女更容易得更年期抑郁症:1.对自己的想法、感情和身体各部分的感觉过于重视和担心的妇女;2.面临多种压力,不知所措的人;3.竭力压制愤怒情绪,不使感情外露的人。  专家们还发现,那些生活拮据、工作不稳定的妇女比那些受过高等教育,具有良好职业的妇女更年期综合征症状