【摘 要】
【机 构】
贵州省农科院,贵州省农科院,贵州省农科院,贵州省农科院 贵阳,贵阳,贵阳,贵阳
Using the 73 single cross, Zhongdan II and Qiandan IV as the female parents in large-scale popularization in our province, the parents of inbred 367 lines were used as male parents, The results showed that the yield of three crossbreds increased from 0.95 to 6.3% compared with that of 73 crossbreds, which increased 0.14-5.88 than that of the corresponding single parental crossbreds %. There was no significant difference in the yield of three crossbreds and their parental single cross. However, the three cross seed production of high yield and quality greatly improved than the single cross-species, that the group with three cross-species, the implementation of single, three cross, double cross-breeding supporting the promotion and utilization of hybrid corn in our province to speed up the promotion of Realistic meaning.
Structural, elastic and electronic properties of ReO2 are investigated by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. The ground state of
你一定还记得在1975年,一部经典的惊悚电影《大白鲨》令无数观众成为了深海恐惧症资深患者,大家谈鲨色变,以至于很长时间都不敢去海边游泳,这样的影响持续了将近半个世纪。 如今,一部名为《鲨滩》的新电影再次震撼了人们尚未痊愈的心灵,让更多的人患上了深海恐惧症。那么,什么是恐惧症?它是如何产生的?我们人类又为什么会感到恐惧呢? 恐惧,从何而来? 恐惧,是人们在面临某种大脑认为危险的情况时,想要摆脱
We investigate the multisymplectic Euler box scheme for the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. A new completely explicit six-point scheme is derived. Numerical e
The wavefunctions that conserve the total spin are constructed for the fully condensed states and the states with one particle excited. A set of equations are d
In 1979, Kaohsiung Agricultural Improvement Field cro