
来源 :珠江水运 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lostsoul8888
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2016年,对珠江水运来说是值得载入史册的一年。尤其是在交通运输部印发《关于推进珠江水运科学发展的若干意见》之后的一年里,沿江省区掀起了全力建设珠江黄金水道的热潮。“建设珠江第二黄金水道”战略落地据珠江航务管理局局长王建华介绍,珠江航务管理局在交通运输部党组的高度重视和地方党委政府的大力支持下,坚决贯彻传堂书记关于加快珠江水运科学发展,全力服务沿江经济社会发展大局,部“十三五”确定的重大项目、重点工 In 2016, the Pearl River water transport is worth the annals of the year. Especially in the year after the Ministry of Transport issued “Several Opinions on Promoting the Scientific Development of the Pearl River Water Transport,” the upsurge of making full efforts to build the Pearl River golden waterway along the Yangtze River provinces and autonomous regions was launched. According to Wang Jianhua, director of the Pearl River Navigational Administration, the Pearl River Navigation Administration Bureau, with the great attention of the party group under the Ministry of Transport and the strong support of the local party committees and governments, resolutely implemented the missionary’s instructions on accelerating the Pearl River The scientific development of water transport, to serve the overall economic and social development along the Yangtze River, Ministry “Thirteen Five ” to determine the major projects, key workers
各位领导、各位专家、全体同志们: 我很高兴地被邀请参加工艺研究所三十周年的大庆,我衷心地向我们战斗在电子工业工艺战线上付出艰辛劳动的同志们、离退干部和专家同志们致
青山掩翠,碧水笼烟。在位于东湖之滨的武汉邮电科学研究院院士室里,我又一次见到了热情幽默的科学家赵梓森。  三年前的那个夏天,我第一次见到这位瘦小的老人在此之前,严肃、不苟言笑就是我对科学家们的整体印象。但赵梓森完全出乎我的意料。耄耋之年的他精神矍铄,风趣幽默,丰富的肢体动作伴随着生动诙谐的语言,精干而又可爱。  时隔三年,院士室的摆设变了,赵梓森脸上的皱纹变深了,但是不变的仍然是他妙趣横生的话语和
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