清民时期,上海有些洋行印行英文标示的“Yuyuen”明信片,现不熟悉、不了解上海历史文化者,往往会望文生义地都解释为“豫园”。孰不知在清末,上海西部也有一个很有影响力的“愚园”园林,英文标示即为“Yu-yuen”。《老明信片上的豫园》(本刊130817,婕妤作,以下简称“婕文”)中的图19(图1)将冬季景象的“Yu-yen Garden in Shanghai”误认为是上海老城厢的豫园。比较拙藏同名、不同季节图的清末珂罗版淡
During the Qing dynasty, some foreign firms in Shanghai printed “Yuyuen” postcards, which are not yet familiar with or do not understand the history and culture of Shanghai. They often interpret it as “Yuyuan Garden”. In the late Qing Dynasty, western Shanghai also had a very influential “Yuyuan Garden,” which was labeled “Yu-yuen” in English. Fig. 19 (Fig. 1) of “Yu-yen Garden in Shanghai” in “Old Postcards of Yu Garden” (in this issue 130817, by Yu Jie) Shanghai Yuyuan old carriage. Comparison of clumsy hidden names, different seasons map of the late Collotay light