仙境等你来 烟台城市形象片新年抢眼大江南北

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新年伊始,烟台城市形象宣传片在泰山中天门、南天门大屏,北京西单老佛爷百货墙体、哈尔滨太平国际机场、济南市主要道路广告媒体、三亚凤凰国际机场、西安钟鼓楼广场东北角等日均人流量巨大的重要位置的户外屏幕上同时播出。经统计,仅西安钟鼓楼广场一处日均人流量就达到100万人次。时长31秒的烟台城市形象宣传片, At the beginning of the new year, Yantai city image advertisements in Taishan Zhongtian Gate, Nantianmen big screen, Beijing Xidan Lafayette department store wall, Harbin Taiping International Airport, Jinan City, the main road advertising media, Sanya Phoenix International Airport, Xi’an Bell Tower Plaza northeast corner Huge average daily flow of people in an important position on the outdoor screen broadcast at the same time. According to statistics, only one daily average flow of people in Xi’an Bell Tower Drum Tower reached 1 million. Duration of 31 seconds of Yantai city image promo,
摘 要: 当今教育观和人才观已经由重知识向重能力、重素质转移,把知识的提高和能力与素质的发展联系,把知识转化为能力和素质的“能力本位”教育观,鉴于此种认识,各国纷纷对教学进行改革,运用职业活动导向教学进行相关课程的教学,对学习者、教师的提升有积极的促进作用。本文结合高职教育的实际特点,分析了目前高职艺术类人文素质课程存在的主要问题。  关键词: 人文素质课程 职业活动 高等职业教育  一、加强通识