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剑阁县位于四川盆地北部边缘,地处剑门山区腹地.农业人口占90%以上.全民所有制工商企业36个,年上交税利1069万元.仅占财政收入的24%.县境内资源贫乏,财政收入的很大一部分来自农村税收.由于农业基础薄弱,工业起步较晚,税源枯竭,连年收不抵支,资金供求矛盾日益突出,资金调度紧张.严重制约了我县工农业生产的发展.为了在困境中找出路.在逆境中求发展.剑阁县财政局在县党政领导支持下,立足本县实际.转 Jiange County is located in the northern margin of the Sichuan Basin, is located in the hinterland of Jianmen Shan area. Agricultural population accounts for more than 90% .36 The state-owned industrial and commercial enterprises 36, the annual tax and profits of 10690000 yuan, accounting for only 24% of revenue. , A large part of the fiscal revenue comes from the rural taxation.As a result of the weak agricultural foundation, the late start of the industry, the depletion of the tax source, and the lack of payment in successive years, the contradiction between the supply and demand of funds has become more and more prominent and the funds have been dispatched severely restricting the development of industrial and agricultural production In order to find a way out of the predicament and seek development in the face of adversity, the Finance Bureau of Jiange County, based on the actual conditions of the county, with the support of the party and government leaders in the county
我们是如何帮助企业加强财务管理的德阳市地方税务局1994年,我市城镇集体企业已发展到2252户,实现产值15.045亿元,实现销售12.596亿元,分别比上年增长19.02%和ZI.40%,上缴税金l.5098亿元。其中:流转税1.3756亿元,所得... How we
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玉米纹枯病Corticium Sasakii(Sh-imi)Mat是广西玉米主要病害之一,而且其发生危害有逐年加重的趋势,尤其是田玉米更为严重.笔者在参加靖西县“万亩粮食增产综合技术开发项目