很高兴能参加这次研讨会,感谢会议组织者给我提供这么好的学习机会。 贵州醇酒厂经过十年的全方位改革和以新的增长方式,在短短的十年间迅速发展,取得这么好的经济效益,是很不容易的。探讨其改革和发展的成功之处。不仅对贵州醇酒厂今后的进一步发展大有好处,而且对那些不适应市场竞争但大有潜力可挖的一大批国有企业的改革与发展,是
I am very happy to attend this seminar and thank the organizers for providing me with such a good learning opportunity. After a decade of omni-directional reforms and new growth methods, the Guizhou Alcoholic Winery has developed rapidly in just 10 years and it is not easy to achieve such a good economic benefit. Explore the success of its reforms and developments. It is not only beneficial to the further development of the Guizhou alcohol and winery in the future, but also to the reform and development of a large number of state-owned enterprises that cannot adapt to market competition but have great potential to be excavated.