梁硕推介词Recommendation on Liang Shuo’s Works推介人:季燕江Recommender:Ji Yanhong阿毛是我和梁硕共同的朋友,有一次我们谈到了看展览,看出土文物的展览,就是那种坛坛罐罐的。阿毛曾有志于考古研究,他说他看展览的方式是这样的,就是不看文字,直接对着那物件看,仔细端详,想象自己在把玩它,想象它和各种“物”发生关系,比如盛满水,想象重量和重心的变化,想象你的手会不会有点酸。想象中你还可以运动这物件,也许会顺势做出一饮而尽的动作。
Recommended by Liang Shuo Recommend: Jianye Jiang Recommender: Ji Yanhong Ah Mao and Liang Shuo common friends, we talked about to see the exhibition to see the exhibits of earth artifacts, is the kind of altar jar. Armagh had been interested in archaeological research. He said that he looked at the exhibition in such a way that he did not read the text and looked directly at the object. He studied it carefully, imagined that he was playing it, imagining it and various “things” Relationship, such as full of water, imagine the weight and center of gravity changes, imagine your hand will not be a little sour. Imagine you can still exercise this object, may take advantage of the action to make a drink.