优先迅速兴起竹业 启动山区全面进步──由浙江省德清县山区发展模式探索我国南方山区经济发展路子

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竹子以其优良的生产、加工、使用特性和显著的经济、生态、社会效益而深受社会各界特别是林业工作者的关注。浙江省德清县以优先发展竹业为主攻点和突破口。依靠科技进步,迅速提高经济效益。并在短期内带动山区经济及其它各项社会事业的发展,比较成功地找到了丘陵山区快速实现脱贫致富奔小康,促进社会全面进步的路子。本文对这一实例作了系统的研究,表明:1.竹子独特的自然特性和山区丰富的林地资源,是竹业发展的基础。2.当今科技的进步和笋、竹需求的日益增长,为竹业发展提供了充分必要条件。3.竹业的优先发展并迅速崛起,在短期内可实现显著的经济效益,并以此为基础,带动林业走上良性循环的发展轨道,促进山区经济的快速发展和社会的全面进步。结论认为:竹业的优先发展并迅速崛起,是我国南方丘陵山区加速脱贫致富奔小康,促进社会全面进步的一个可行的较好的模式。 Bamboo is favored by all walks of life, especially forestry workers, for its excellent production, processing, use characteristics and significant economic, ecological and social benefits. Deqing County, Zhejiang Province to give priority to the development of bamboo industry as the main breakthrough and breakthrough point. Rely on scientific and technological progress, rapid economic efficiency. And in a short period of time led the development of the economy and other social undertakings in the mountainous areas. It successfully succeeded in finding a way to quickly achieve poverty alleviation in the hilly and mountainous areas and enriching the well-to-do society to promote all-round social progress. This article made a systematic study of this example, indicating that: 1. Bamboo’s unique natural features and mountainous woodland resources, is the basis for the development of bamboo industry. 2. Today’s technological progress and bamboo shoots, bamboo growing demand for the development of bamboo provides the necessary and sufficient conditions. 3. The rapid development of bamboo industry and the rapid rise in the short term can achieve significant economic benefits, and as a basis for promoting forestry on a virtuous cycle of development track, and promote the rapid development of mountain economy and social progress. The conclusion is that the priority development and rapid rise of bamboo industry is a feasible and better mode for speeding up poverty alleviation in south China’s hilly areas and enriching the well-to-do society and promoting all-round social progress.
高洪波,中国“绿茵第一杀手”,几番沉浮,而今报国无门,毅然出走新加坡,他走的时候,正是一月,人和北京的天气一样冰冷…… Gao Hongbo, China’s “Green First Killer,” a
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