竹子,素以挺拔的身姿和优雅的韵致著称于世。但总有人以不能在室内欣赏到竹韵为憾,于是小巧的矮化盆竹应运而生。那么,矮化方法究竟有哪些呢? 药物处理法当竹笋出土高约20厘米时,将浓度为0.1~1%的药物用5毫升注射器注入竹腔内,每次注射1~2节,每节3~5滴,1~2天注射一次,根据生长情况,一般处理3~5次药物处理后,竹节可缩短原长的1/4。可用的药物有矮壮素、多效唑、B_9等。剥箨法竹箨起着保护节间生长的作用,剥去竹箨可缩短节闸在竹笋出上约20厘米时,先剥去竹笋基部的1~2片竹箨,以后随着竹笋的生长逐步向上剥。生长旺
Bamboo, with tall and straight posture and elegant charm known to the world. But there are always people who can not appreciate the rhyme bamboo indoors, so small dwarf potted bamboo came into being. Then, dwarf method exactly what? Drug treatment method When the bamboo shoots unearthed about 20 cm high, the concentration of 0.1 to 1% of the drug injected into the bamboo cavity with a 5 ml syringe, each injection of 1 to 2, each section 3 to 5 drops, 1 to 2 days injections once, according to the growth, the general treatment of 3 to 5 times the drug treatment, bamboo can shorten the original length of 1/4. Available drugs are CCC, paclobutrazol, B_9 and so on. Stripping law bamboo stripe plays a role in protecting the growth of internodes, stripping bamboo stripe can shorten the section gate in the bamboo shoots on about 20 cm out, first stripped of bamboo shoots at the base of 1 or 2 pieces of bamboo shoots later with the growth of bamboo shoots Gradually peel upward. Growing prosperous