笔者拿到佳能D60已经有一周时间了。我在这些天里主要是对照说明书和器材,以求尽快地熟悉其各个功能的设置和操作方法,同时也一一试验佳能50mm/1.8II、适马15~30mm/f3.5~4.5EX和适马24~70mm/f2.8EX DG的镜头在D60上的表现情况。笔者经过几天的试用,虽然时间不长,但是,D60已经给了我十分深刻的印象,一扫过去对数码相机像高级家用电器的形象。由于我过去一直主要使用佳能EOS 5QD和美能达D7以及偶尔使用佳能G1,因此只能够将D60与它们进行相互比较,谈谈个人对D60的初步印象。
I got the Canon D60 for a week. In these days, I mainly control manuals and equipment so as to familiarize myself with the setup and operation of each function as soon as possible, and also test the Canon 50mm / 1.8II, Sigma 15-30mm / f3.5-4.5EX and Sigma 24 ~ 70mm / f2.8EX DG lens performance on the D60. After a few days of trial, the author did not give me a long time. However, the D60 has given me a very deep impression. I have swept away the image of digital home appliances like digital cameras. Since I used to mainly use the Canon EOS 5QD, the Minolta D7, and the occasional Canon G1, I was only able to compare the D60 with them and talk about my initial impressions of the D60.