乌特·兰帕与上海交响乐团时间2014/7/13星期日19:30地点浦东双辉广场曲目库尔特·魏尔的作品以及《玫瑰人生》《芝加哥》选曲乌特·兰帕(Ute Lemper),当代著名的女歌唱家与演员。也许在中国还未被广大乐迷熟知,但她早已享誉国际乐坛。乌特·兰帕出生于德国的罗马天主教家庭,十六岁就展露了过人的声乐天赋,加入当地知名的爵士摇滚歌唱组合,后进入专业戏剧、舞蹈学院学习音乐与表演。少时的学习与演出经历为她的音乐风格提供了多元化与专业性的积淀。成为专业音乐剧演员后,她凭借音乐剧《芝加
Utte Lam and the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Duration 2014/7/13 Sun 19:30 Venue Pudong Shuanghui Square Kurt Weill’s Works and Rose’s Life Chicago Story Ute Rambo Lemper), contemporary famous singer and actress. Perhaps in China has not yet been well acquainted with the music fans, but she has long been renowned international music scene. Born in Germany by Roman Catholic families, Utter Lambert showed extraordinary vocal genius at the age of sixteen, joined the well-known jazz rock singing group, and then entered professional theater and dance academies to study music and performances. Less time learning and performance experience for her music style provides a diversified and professional accumulation. After becoming a professional musical actor, she relies on the musical "Chicago