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镇海地处我国海岸线中段、甬江的入海口,北上齐鲁,南下闽粤,溯甬江可达苏杭,自古商贾云集、樯帆如林。在招宝山半山亭所镌刻的“百舸争流通异域,一山招宝耀中州”柱联,即是当时海运盛况的生动写照。鱼米富庶之乡从来不喜欢硝烟战乱。然而,因这独具优势的地理位置,镇海历来是兵家必争之地。当历史将乾坤颠倒,将一杆杆枪支强行推送至此,能选择的就只有悲剧或者壮举了。鱼米之乡和烟火战争的交界点,叫作镇海口;而浓缩矛盾的集结地,则是一座座位列于镇海古海塘的古炮台。 Zhenhai is located in the middle of China’s coastline, the mouth of the Yongjiang River, north Qilu, south Fujian and Guangdong, back Yongjiang up to the Soviet Union, ancient merchants gathered, Qifan Rulin. In Zhaobaoshan Banshan Pavilion engraved “Bai Bai contend through the exotic, a mountain Zhaohao Yaozhou” column, that is, vivid portrayal of the then shipping. The rich land of fish and rice never like the smoke war. However, because of this unique geographical location, Zhenhai has always been a battleground for the military. When history reverses the universe and pushes a single-pole gun onto it, only tragedies or feats can be chosen. Yumizhixiang and the war of at the junction of fireworks, known as Zhenhai; concentration and concentration of contradictions, it is a seat located in the ancient sea pond Zhenhai ancient fort.