2001年8月召开的“上海市基础教育工作会议”提出了“上海基础教育发展要按照上海率先实现现代化的要求,与现代化国际大都市的定位相适应”的战略目标,这对于上海1800多所中小学来讲,既是一种激励,也是一个很大的压力。目前,像上海中学、大同中学、格致中学这样的百年老校有几十所。上百年的积淀,形成了相当深厚、独特的办学传统和风格,有的不仅在本市,乃至在全国、在海外都有相当的声誉。但是,如何继往开来,使自己在现代化发展的进程中,能不断提升,始终走在办学育人的最前列,也许是大多数“百年老校”所共同面临的新挑战。 上海市格致中学是一所具有近130年办学历史的老学校,“爱国”和“科学”是该校传承了一百多年的特色。学校在保持传统的基础上,不断地赋予其时代性,使“格致”的品牌越打越响。其间的思考、探索、实践和经验等,也许能给大家一些有益的启示。为此,我们走访了上海市格致中学的柴志洪校长,共同探讨这一话题。
The “Shanghai Basic Education Work Conference” held in August 2001 proposed the “Shanghai basic education development should be in accordance with the requirements of Shanghai’s first realization of modernization and adaptation to the orientation of a modern international metropolis,” which is more than 1,800 for Shanghai. In terms of primary and secondary schools, it is both an incentive and a big pressure. At present, there are dozens of hundred-year-old schools such as Shanghai Middle School, Datong Middle School, and Gezhi Middle School. The accumulation of hundreds of years has formed a rather profound and unique tradition and style of running a school. Some of them have a considerable reputation not only in this city, but also throughout the country and overseas. However, how to carry forward the past and enable them to continue to advance in the process of modern development can always be at the forefront of education and educating people, perhaps the most common challenge faced by most “100-year-old schools”. Shanghai Gezhi Middle School is an old school with a history of nearly 130 years. “Patriotic” and “Science” are characteristics that the school has inherited for over 100 years. On the basis of keeping the tradition, the school continues to give its time, so that the “Gezhi” brand gets louder and louder. Thinking, exploration, practice, and experience during this period may give us some useful inspiration. To this end, we visited the headmaster of Chai Zhihong of Shanghai Gezhi Middle School to discuss this topic.