Female patient, 51 years old. Found 1 month right breast lumps, an increase of 1 week. Physical examination: the right upper quadrant of the upper quadrant palpable palpable about a 7cm × 7cm size of the mass, hard texture, clear boundary, no tenderness, poor mobility, no adhesions with the surrounding tissue, the skin without swelling, fever. Ultrasonography: Right and outside the upper quadrant of the outer quadrant can be seen a cystic mixed echo mass, clear boundary, the shape of irregular rules, the size of about 15cm × 12cm × 6mm (Figure 1). No obvious enlarged axillary lymph nodes. CDFI: Right breast mixed echogenic mass of solid pieces visible strip of color (Figure 2). Ultrasound Tip: right breast capsule mass. OK right breast cancer radical mastectomy. Intraoperative frozen section