第一阶段:萌芽(1841-1941)官地与土地批租制度的形成1842年8月和1860年10月,英国先后强迫在两次鸦片战争中连续战败的清政府签订了《南京条约》和《北京条约》。根据双方约定,整个香港岛和九龙半岛的土地,全部归英国王室所有,被统称为“官地”(Crown Land),岛上原居民的土地业权全部被否定。
The first stage: sprout (1841-1941) The formation of official land and land leasing system In August 1842 and October 1860, the United Kingdom forced the successive successive defeat of the Opium War in Qing government signed the “Treaty of Nanjing” and “ Beijing Treaty. ” According to the agreement between the two sides, the territory of the entire Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula is entirely owned by the British royal family and is collectively referred to as “Crown Land”. All the landowners of the original inhabitants of the island are denied land ownership.