严处侵权行为 促进行业规范——自治区新闻出版局(版权局)依法严处KTV侵权使用音像作品案件综述

来源 :新疆新闻出版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozuzi2009
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近期,自治区新闻出版局(版权局)对乌鲁木齐市“夜来香娱乐城”和“君悦汇娱乐会所”两家KTV营业场所进行了执法检查和行政处罚,在全社会引起了广泛的关注,对KTV行业中合法使用作品起到了推动作用,使绝大多数KTV经营企业清楚了应当承担的法律义务,了解了侵权使用作品的法律后果。 Recently, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Press and Publication Bureau (Copyright Bureau) conducted law enforcement inspection and administrative sanctions on two KTV establishments in Urumqi, “Nightlife Casino” and “Grand Hyatt Entertainment Club”, which aroused widespread The concern has played a catalytic role in the legitimate use of works in the KTV industry, enabling the vast majority of KTV operators to clearly understand the legal obligations they should undertake and understand the legal consequences of using infringing works.