法洛四联症 (TOF)缺氧发作是影响TOF患儿生存质量的常见急症。其发作诱因和机制尚不十分清楚。现回顾性分析155例缺氧发作TOF患儿临床资料 ,探讨TOF缺氧发作的相关诱因和发生机制。对象与方法一、临床资料1980年1月~2001年1月期间收治于新华医院和上海儿童医学中心心内科的TOF
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) Hypoxemia is a common emergency affecting the quality of life of children with TOF. The causes and mechanisms of attack are not yet clear. A retrospective analysis of 155 cases of TOF hypoxic-onset children with clinical data on TOF hypoxia-related causes and mechanisms. Subjects and methods First, clinical data January 1980 ~ January 2001 period in Xinhua Hospital and Shanghai Children’s Medical Center Cardiology TOF