《四书》是先秦的历史文本 ,理学是两宋的时代思潮 ,它们之间存在着历史时代的差异。朱熹将《四书》诠释过程规定为 :先达之言→圣人之意→天地之理 ,就是希望通过“语言———文献”的诠释方法 ,来解决《四书》诠释中历史性与时代性的差别问题。朱熹的《四书》学诠释获得了巨大的成功 ,这不仅是由于他的理学适应了两宋以后思想文化变革发展的时代性需要 ,同时也因为他的《四书》学重新发现了那已经失传的儒学学统。
“Four Books” is the historical text of Pre-Qin, Neo-Confucianism is the trend of thought in the two Song Dynasties, there are differences between the historical times. Zhu Xi defines the process of interpretation of the “Four Books” as follows: First, the word of the saint → the reason of heaven and earth, it is hoped that through the interpretation method of “language --- literature”, the historical and the contemporary Differences. Zhu Xi’s “Four Books” study has achieved great success not only because his Neo-Confucianism has adapted to the current needs of the ideological and cultural revolution after the Song Dynasty but also because his “Four Books” has rediscovered what has been lost Confucianism system.