统计法知识讲座 第十七讲 统计资料管理

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二、统计资料的提供和公布 (一)统计资料的提供统计是我国实行科学决策和科学管理的一项重要基础工作,统计的目的就是为各级党政领导机关认识国情、决定政策、制定计划提供重要依据。同时,统计部门还要向社会公众提供尽可能丰富的统计成果,以满足社会各界对统计信息的需求。目前,随着改革开放和社会经济的发展,统计服务的对象日益从党政领导机关扩展至社会公众。因此,统计资料的提供和公布必须适应形势的变化,采取灵活的方式,通过不同的渠道,充分利用可以公开的资料满足社会公众的需要。统计资料是国家和社会的重要信息资源。除少部分应该保密外,大部分统计资料应由社会公众共同享有。为了使社会各界,包括科研和教育工作者、生 II. PROVISION AND PUBLICATION OF STATISTICS (I) Provision of Statistical Information Statistics are an important basic work for our country in implementing scientific decision-making and scientific management. The purpose of statistics is to understand the national conditions for the party and government leading organs at all levels, decide the policies and make plans Provide important basis. At the same time, the statistics department should also provide the public with as much statistical results as possible to meet the needs of the community for statistical information. At present, with the reform, opening up and the development of society and economy, the objects of statistical services are increasingly extended from the party and government leading organs to the public. Therefore, the provision and publication of statistical information must be adapted to changes in the situation and adopt a flexible approach to make full use of publicly available information to meet the needs of the general public through different channels. Statistics are important information resources for the country and society. Most of the statistics should be shared by the general public, except for a few who should be kept confidential. In order to make all sectors of society, including scientific research and education workers, students
古典诗词是我国文学殿堂中的一朵奇葩,其整齐优美的形式,和谐动听的韵律,含蓄精炼的语言和深沉炽热的感情,成为中华民族文学艺术中的瑰宝,也是培养学生审美鉴赏能力的极好的材料。  在古诗词教学实践中,笔者认为审美鉴赏的过程可以分为以下三个阶段。    一、诵读    人们对事物的鉴赏,总是从对事物的感性直观开始的,而对一首古诗词,首先是对语言符号的感知,由于古诗词语言精练,节奏明快,音韵和谐,它包含着丰