靖县甘棠林业站,针对杉苗的特性,采取相应的技术措施,在农民陈用明所承包的旱田里,进行了杉、檫、樟针阔叶树种混交育苗试验,取得了较好的效果。作法和结果分析整理如下: 试验圃地位于距垄田高差40余米的螃上旱田,坐东朝西,水源困难,黄砂壤土,肥力中等。前茬为一季早稻,冬种油菜生长不良而改作圃地,供试面积0.745亩。经过二犁二耙后开沟作床,苗床东西向开设,床宽1.3米。混交播种的方法(见图):(1) 杉
Jing County Kum Tong Forestry Station, in response to the characteristics of Sugi Matsutake, take the appropriate technical measures to farmers in the land contracted by Chen Yong Chen, the cedar, Pinus tabulaeformis species mixed seedling trials and achieved good results. Practice and analysis of the results are as follows: The experimental nursery is located on the dry land of Crab with a height of more than 40 meters from the ridge. It faces east and west with difficulty in water supply. Yellow sandy loam and medium fertility. Precursor for a season of early rice, winter rape poor growth and changed to nursery, the test area of 0.745 acres. After Erli harrow ditches for two beds, seedbed east-west to set up, the bed width of 1.3 meters. Mixed sowing methods (see photo): (1) fir