俄罗斯特种部队在这次营救人质行动中,在短短十几分钟内,以神不知鬼不觉的方法顺利地把视死如归的车臣匪徒制服,全归功于使用了一种秘密武器——一种令人迅速入睡的气体。这种非致命性致眩气体是俄罗斯、美国等多个国家重点研发的武器,被军事专家称为“未来武器”中的一种。各研制国都视之为高度机密,不愿透露半点风声。俄罗斯此次在万众瞩目下施用了催眠气体,实际上已经向一些竞争对手暴露出部分信息。目前,俄罗斯的这种气体已举世瞩目。 “催眠气体”既立功,亦惹祸 莫斯科时间10月23日晚9时许,一伙
During this rescue operation, the Russian special unit successfully unannounced Chechnya culprits in a dozen or so minutes of unsuccessful attempts to host the deathbed by using a secret weapon - a weapon People quickly fall asleep gas. This non-lethal gas is a key weapon developed by many countries such as Russia and the United States and one of the weapons of the future by military experts. All developed countries regarded it as highly secretive and would not reveal the slightest warning. Russia is using hypnotic gas this time, and in fact it has already revealed some information to some of its competitors. At present, Russia's gas has attracted worldwide attention. “Hypnotic gas” both meritorious service, but also trouble Moscow time at 23 o'clock on the October 23, a group